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how to get lean AF even if you HATE cooking


SAVE this PDF and feel free to forward to a friend that hates cooking but still wants to lose 20+ pounds or get lean AF.

I've come to actually enjoy cooking.

Somewhat therapeutic for me tbh.

A good way to disconnect from the day.

But I know for most of us, that's not the case.

Coaches will all tell you "YOU HAVE TO MEAL PREP."

Which is true...but what most coaches fail to understand is that meal prep doesn't necessarily mean the act of cooking food in bulk to eat later that week.

Meal prep can be any type of nutritional preparation:

- Food logging = Logging your food the night before or morning before you consume it

- Eating out = Looking at the menu of a restaurant you're eating at

- Grocery shopping = Making a grocery shopping list

- Traveling = when you land, hitting a grocery story to load up on healthy snacks

Now that we have that laid out, let's get into the nitty gritty.

If you hate cooking, you have 3 go-to's:

- Healthy snacks that you don't have to prep

- Ordering takeout/fast food

- Pre-made meals

I'm assuming you're eating clean, following a macro-based diet, and throwing in cheat meals.

Here's your fool proof plan:


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