Jeff Bezos' Steroid Cycle
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Jeff Bezos' Steroid Cycle


Jeff Bezos is as natural as a pack of Splenda.

I mean look at this transformation from age 40 to age 58.

You know...the age when the male body starts seriously declining in testosterone production?

He seemingly got massive.

So, do I think Jeff Bezos is hitting the sazoole?

He's the worlds richest man. Needs to always be on his A-Game. Dating a new woman. Need some help in that area of cognitive and physical performance?


✔️Improved sleep

✔️Ability to handle stress better

✔️Increased energy

✔️Improved sexual desire

✔️Increased confidence and positive mood

✔️Better blood sugar regulation

✔️Decreases LDL

✔️Lowers body fat

✔️Increases muscle mass and strength

In too high of doses, IT IS HORRIBLE. Not to mention dangerous.


❌Mood swings

❌Shuts off your body's natural production of testosterone

❌Breast swelling (Gyno)

❌Anxiety or depression

❌Increased blood pressure

❌An array of organ issues

❌Sleep apnea

❌High cholesterol

So do I think Jeff Bezos is taking the same amount of testosterone as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?

Absolutely not.

But he's most likely on "TRT" testosterone replacement therapy AKA HRT.

Debatably, the range for men for total testosterone levels in the body is 270-1,070 ng/dL.

TRT gets you to the higher of the range without exceeding into supra-physiological levels (which will give you all the negative and dangerous side effects).

It would only make sense for someone who wants/needs to be at the top of his mental (Amazon) and physical (new girlfriend) game.

What're your thoughts?


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